» Allgemein
» Players Skills (Seite 1)
Seite: 1
Players Skills
Does the players skills improve during the season? If yes how? And as a suggestion, can the skills be visible in the squad? Thanks.
Der Beitrag wurde nachträglich editiert.
The skills of the player are invisible in Ultrasoccer. The paid consultants (Berater) give you a good idea about their skills, though. You can then add a comment with a short version of the consultant`s review, like you can see on the transfer list. That way you always know who`s good and who isn`t.
Skills do not change over the lifetime of a player. They just get better or worse with the right age (see "Altersbedingte Stärke" in their profile). That means very young or very old players get better/worse with time.
Thanks for the information.
Seite: 1
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